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Sidebar Config

The sidebar in Pathfinder is configured through a TypeScript file that defines the structure and order of your documentation sections.


Any items not configured are still included, they will just have their default label and alphabetical display order.

Configuration File

The sidebar navigation is configured in src/docs/config/[language]/sidebarNavData.json.ts. This file exports an array of section configurations.

* Ordered list of documentation sections
* The order here determines the display order in navigation
const docSections: DocSection[] = [
id: "getting-started",
title: "Getting Started",
id: "components",
title: "Components",
id: "reference",
title: "Reference",

Section Properties

Each section in the docSections array has the following properties:

  • id (required): Must match the folder name under src/data/docs/. For example, if your id is “getting-started”, your documentation files should be in src/data/docs/[language]/getting-started/.

  • title (required): The display title for the section in the sidebar navigation. This can include spaces and special characters.

Order and Organization

The order of sections in the docSections array determines their display order in the sidebar navigation. To reorder sections, simply reorder them in the array.

Adding New Sections

To add a new section to your documentation:

  1. Create a new folder under src/data/docs/ with your section’s ID
  2. Add a new section configuration to the docSections array
  3. Add your documentation files (.md or .mdx) to your new section folder
const docSections: DocSection[] = [
// ... existing sections ...
id: "advanced-topics",
title: "Advanced Topics",
description: "In-depth guides and advanced usage",